Kids of Steel Triathalon
This is a swim/bike/run race centered on creating a healthy lifestyle for kids. Through this successful event, participants will associate sport with fun and personal reward, as well as developing healthy lifelong habits. Manulife Wealth Inc. is the main sponsor for this event held every Canada Day for youth ages 5-15.
"Not only is it cute to see some of the younger kids competing with water wings on and training wheels on their bikes, but it is especially rewarding to see the kids of all ages cross that finish line with an incredible sense of accomplishment. Most of the kids have never done anything like this and it is a great way to boost their self-confidence. The emphasis is not on winning the race, but in the accomplishment of completing the event. Everything is very well organized by the Woodstock Recreation Department and the volunteers. Talk about creating memories. Kids will remember for many years the time they completed the Kids of Steel Triathlon." - Greg MacPherson